Humahuaca Photo Workshop – Feb. 2020

It’s already been 3 months since our last photo workshop, before the pandemic became part of our reality and changed all this year planning.

At the end of February, with a small group of passionate photographers and travelers, we visited the north part of Argentina, in the province of Jujuy and Salta, during the Carnival celebrations. A fantastic trip in itself at any time of the year, which becomes even more magical at that period.

The celebration in the north goes on day and night, the enthusiasm of the local people is contagious. It is forbidden not to share and celebrate the cult of Pachamama (Mother Earth), with roots in the Inca mythology.


For 6 days, accompanied by a local guide from the native communities, we travelled far and wide in the area of the “Quebrada the Humahuaca”, stopping along the way in the small mountain villages, where we were warmly welcomed by local people and had the opportunity to learn about their ancient customs.

Dancing and drinking with them, listening to the “copleros”, with a voice accompanied by the sound of the the “Caja Chayera” instrument, a repetitive rhythm lead mostly by the elder people of the village that enters the soul and makes you feel part of their culture.

During the photographic journey, in addition to documenting local customs and portraying faces with typical northern lineaments, we also dedicated ourselves to the wonderful landscapes: the “Salinas Grandes”, 212 km² of white salt-flats at 3450 meters above sea level and an incredible night-time experience on the Hornocal, the mountain of 14 colours. Only a few years ago the indigenous communities opened to the public the possibility to visit the Hornocal, once there, at 4761 meters above sea level, a breathtaking view opens up.

travel photographer
travel photographer

The photography highlight of the tour was certainly the “Descent of the Devils” from the mountain of Uquía, a spectacular and exciting moment, which was worth the hours of waiting among thousands of participants. Hundreds of colorful crazy devils come down from the rocky mountain, supported by the adrenaline of a vast public, dancing and playing with the people. The same event is repeated later in Maimará, in a different scenario, more difficult to photograph, but equally interesting and very energetic.

travel photographer

This year we are improving our offer, planning more exclusive travel experiences for photographers of any level with the Argentina Photo Workshops team, focusing on local culture and always in small groups. Providing off-the beaten track adventures involving local guides and unique photography itineraries.

Accompanied by the hope of participating in the next edition of the Northern Carnival, we continue to travel through the pages of a book or a photograph, until the moment when we can finally be able to relive the experience of the journey on our skin.

(Thanks to Eduardo Luparello, one of the participants, for sharing his selection of picture from the workshop with us.)

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I’m Nicholas, a Travel and Portrait Photographer with a passion for writing.

In this blog, I share articles about Travel Photography, my personal experience, tips, and information about the activities I organize.